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Portals - The Graves Beyond, Lake District (UK), 2017

Doors, windows and openings that we pass through have fascinated me all my life. I'm always curious to find out what's on the other side. They can be interpreted as change, opportunity, barriers or prisons. Neuroscientists have found that passing from one room into another can trigger the 'doorway effect' where you forget why you went into a room. Doorways can also be less literal. They can represent a new day, a new chapter, or the ultimate doorway: death and what lies beyond. Centuries old stone buildings always reinforce how fleeting our time here is, and the portal here leads to both lush green life as well as gravestones.

Doors, windows and openings that we pass through have fascinated me all my life. I'm always curious to find out what's on the other side.

They can be interpreted as change, opportunity, barriers or prisons. Neuroscientists have found that passing from one room into another can trigger the 'doorway effect' where you forget why you went into a room.

Doorways can also be less literal. They can represent a new day, a new chapter, or the ultimate doorway: death and what lies beyond. 

Centuries old stone buildings always reinforce how fleeting our time here is, and the portal here leads to both lush green life as well as gravestones.